Yacht Delivery Bali 4.5 France to Tortola

New Bali 4.5 Catmaran Completes Atlantic Delivery

Congratulations to Yacht Delivery Captain Andy Mallion who has just completed the delivery of a new Bali 4.5. The boat was collected from Canet-en-Roussillon in the South of France with stops in Gibraltar, Canaries and Cape Verde before arriving in the BVI.

This was the first delivery completed for the leading charter company Vacance sur Voile who plan to use our services again for their next new yacht in 2016.

Every delivery we undertake is subject to appraisal by the client. The feedback we received was very positive.

Richard Lacelle of VSV says

Hi Andy, Nick,

Please find attached Handover from Reliance to VSV, approved and signed.

VSV team want to outline Andy’s professionalism as skipper for this shipment.

From his very first moments aboard until the very last ones Andy has proved us being highly dedicated to deliver this new sailboat in as best condition as possible.

We thank you also Nick for your great coordination job and look forward to doing more business with you in a near future.

Very best,

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