Yacht Tracking Systems

In the last few years yacht tracking systems have advanced in leaps and bounds and there are now additional features and benefits as well as improvements in existing features. We have been comparing tracking systems since 2005 and in this time we have delivered hundreds of yachts all over the world for fleet managers, yacht dealers and private owners. As the leading yacht delivery company we are best placed to have an expert and objective view on the subject.

One of the main benefits to modern tracking systems, is not their ability to collect simple data about the yachts position, but to use this data to assist  managers and dealers to run their businesses more efficiently and pass on added benefits to their clients. Such information may be essential in charter planning to maximise availability. It clearly reduces risks that can benefit  insurances terms. It may identify unauthorised use or even assist in recovering a stolen vessel. Each of our clients have specific priorities and needs that our tracking systems can address.
We have been trialling the Delorme system for 6 months and now feel comfortable in recommending it to our client. We have used the InReach SE on over 20 Atlantic crossings in the last year and received nothing but excellent feedback from our clients. The ability embed reports into clients webpages and to manage the reports frequency from our Operations Desk are features we really like,  allowing our captains to concentrate on the yacht delivery and not worrying about remembering to check in.

With the DeLorme inReach, we stay connected with two-way satellite text messaging, SOS alerting, with truly global coverage anywhere in the world. inReach, with the reliable coverage of the Iridium network, keeps us connected beyond the coverage of shore cellular networks and VHF marine band radio. We map the routes routes, send text messages, post updates to social networking sites and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that in case of an emergency, the yacht can be located anywhere, anytime.


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